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meet the team

Doug Thiessen

Chairman of the Board

Doug Thiessen

Chairman of the Board

Cornerstone began because


the community was struggling. We needed to have another entity to raise funds to be used today, 5 years, 10 years, 100 years down the road. 


I remember being a high school senior and Sr. Mary DePaul telling me, “You’re going to be a leader here someday.” At the time, I thought, “You’re crazy!” But I never forgot it, and here I am. I hope we can inspire the same leadership in the students that Sister inspired in me.


St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Inspired the Need for CCF in​



Joe Walter


Joe Walter


I care about the local Catholic community because


it’s all about Salvation . . . EVERYTHING we should be doing should be navigated within the context of how each person involved might

positively impact/mentor the students they connect with in that

path towards Salvation.  

St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



Dan Ellenz

Vice President

Dan Ellenz

Vice President

I joined the foundation​


to help look for avenues of generating supporting income for the local Catholic community. CCF looks to take on challenges of fundraising and assist with charitable giving in support of this community. We have a welcoming, family-oriented presence that supports the faith-centered education and top-notch academics for generations to come.

St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



I joined Cornerstone because


I was hired to prepare financial statements for the 2013 audit. Ever since, I have received tremendous spiritual support from the Board and the community pertaining to my 2018-2019 health issues. 

I am inspired by CCF’s Board members and their spouses because every interaction reveals their dedication to the growth of the local Catholic community.

Abstract Linear Background

University of Notre Dame Alumni


BBA 1980, MBA 1985


Affiliated with CCF since



Dean Gengler


Dean Gengler


I believe in the local Catholic community because


of my experience as a student paired with being away for almost 25 years. A genuine emphasis on the beauty and history of the Catholic faith is now being taught, and I realized my obligation to pass this on to my children. Being in an environment that promotes the faith 7+ hours a day gives them the best opportunity experience the fullness of Catholicism. How could I deny them that?


St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



Doug Eilert


Doug Eilert


I became involved with CCF 


to give back to the local Catholic community. The school has educated my six children and myself. They all have received a high quality education along with a deepened relationship with God.


I hope to make this same experience available to my grandchildren and the generations that are to come.


St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



Why do you care about the church and school?


How much time do you have?


I am the fourth generation to be in this parish. Without Cornerstone, I am confident that the school would not financially make it very long.


The people on the board are the kind of people that get things done. That's what's important for the success of the local Catholic community.

Abstract Linear Background

St. John's Catholic

High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



Dennis Lutgen


Dennis Lutgen


I am part of Cornerstone because


it is a great organization that supports the Church and school.


Attended St. John's​

through sophomore year, returned to Beloit in 1984


Affiliated with CCF since



Dave Dubbert


Dave Dubbert


I believe in the local Catholic community because


it is all very unique in what it has going on.  This includes everyone from our parish priest to the first grade's teacher aid.  Not everything is perfect but we have a system that truly cares about the students, their families and success of each individual in a Catholic environment.  Cornerstone is the financial engine that keeps things operating and strives to make improvements for the betterment of the parish, school, faculty and its' graduates.


Tipton Catholic High School Alumni




Affiliated with CCF since



Jeff Bechard


Jeff Bechard


I believe in CCF's vision because


past generations made sacrifices of time, talent and treasure so my family and children could experience the community's blessings. I want to do the same for future generations.


We combine the Catholic faith, small town values, a teacher staff that views their role as much a ministry as a job, and strong community support. That’s a powerful recipe for positively shaping lives.


St. John's Parishioner since




Affiliated with CCF since



1110 N Independence Ave
Beloit, Kansas 67420

(785) 738-8774

©2018 by Cornerstone Charitable Foundation

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